
Thursday, 2 September 2021

Indie-Rose has been working hard at her home learning booklet!


  1. Wow, you have found and written a lot of facts about the pretty Flamingo ! I once asked my dad why the Flamingo raises one leg and he replied with, "if it lifted the other leg, it would fall over !" Can you tell me what you like doing best out of your Class Learning Booklet, and WHY ? I can't wait to see your completed CVC booklet. NephEWs and brEW were super good words to add to your list for our phonics sound for the day -I made a list too, but never thought of those 2 words - well done and great thinking !!

  2. Nice work Indie-Rose finding words with ew at the end,threw and stew are some more words you could add to your list. I think their diet helps them turn pink.
