
Wednesday, 1 September 2021

Look at this eel!

Shelby caught this eel in the eel trap she helped to make. Shelby's family did some research and discovered it's a long fin eel. To work out how old it is, you have to count the rings on it's ear bone. They think it is about 80 years old based on its size and length. How amazing is that! They let the eel go again.


  1. That eel is a monster. I can't wait to read your writing tomorrow Shelby describing it. Wow 80 that is very old for an eel. I wonder what it eats? to get that big?

  2. Absolutely amazing !!! That is certainly a HUGE eel - how much do you think it weighed ? I really don't like eels, but I did like reading all the facts you found in your research. Do you know if it is a boy or girl eel ? I wonder how many more birthdays it will have ... thanks for sharing Shelby !
