
Saturday 25 April 2020

Ruby's Friday mahi


  1. What a great achievement Ruby! 5km uphill is huge. It looks like you have put a lot of thought and effort into making your time capsule. I'm sure future Ruby will enjoy looking through all the treasures you put together. I hope you have a relaxing long weekend- it looks well deserved.

  2. Gosh, you have worked very very hard today. Your "__og" family words are very impressive too. Well done for practicing all those capital " I " letters and lower case " i " letters. There is a saying, "practice makes perfect" and those letters are looking perfect, so you must be doing lots of practice. You wrote another wonderful silly sentence too !

    I have been walking every day too .... isn't it nice to stop and admire the view while catching our breath ... I wonder how many kilometres you and I have walked during lock-down ? Keep up the great mahi Ruby !!!
    Whaea Tanya

  3. Hi Ruby. It looks like you are having a wonderful time at home with your whanau. Keep up the good mahi.
